Dear Me…
It’s the new year and so far it feels like a repeat of 2020, way too much happening in a small amount of time. Like a document or an image from the internet that you download twice (2020-1). It feels weird to be living through times that will probably be studied by historians a few hundred years from now. In the words of the greatest musical ever, “History has its eyes on us…”
Aside: How long before we stop saying, “Happy New Year,” everytime we meet people?

This is the third of these letters. I wrote the first two last year for the Winter blogging challenge, right in the middle of the Panasonic. See, it had been a while since I actually smithed words. Writing those letters to myself, and to any other reluctant blogger out there, served as a reminder that I was meant to do this. I was created to reach people through my words.
Since I wrote those letters, we shifted from mablesrants.wordpress.com to a shiny new permanent place that really “must be the place.” Someone once asked me why I chose that image as the header for my website. The reason is that I want this place to be one where one can come to be understood, appreciated, and to find humour. I want this place to be one that people use to unwind, to find books they can read, to shake the stress of the day.

I am forever cognizant of the power of words and I know that just a few words can make all the difference in someone’s life. I want to use this place to speak life into people. I am grateful to the people that reached out and said they love my words. That my words helped them in some way. It reinforces my belief in my purpose.
Why am I writing this today? Well, this reluctant blogger just got nominated for an award. The very first Afrobloggers Awards. The excitement I feel is on par with the excitement I felt when I learnt that an animation that I wrote and voiced had won Best Animation at the 2018 Uganda Film Festival Awards.
I wasn’t expecting to be nominated. At all. I was surprised to find my name on the list when I went voting for other people. I didn’t know I’d even make the shortlist. It’s amazing to feel recognized for something that you’ve worked hard at. I’ve doubted myself at every turn but I refused to let the doubt turn into something that would completely halt my writing.

I have been nominated alongside some of the best bloggers I know. Those that I follow religiously, reading every word they put out. I said to a friend after seeing my nomination that I was conflicted because I really love some of the blogs that are in the same category as me. I told another friend how voting for myself felt vaguely masturbatory. He asked me if there wasn’t pleasure in that. The answer; there is pleasure in that. Pleasure in seeing yourself recognized. Because that’s what this is, a recognition.
Afrobloggers is amazing. I am amazed at the strides they have taken in building this ecosystem and connectivity of bloggers on the continent. I’m grateful for them because through them I have found life-long friendships as well as blogs that have changed my life. Special mention to Sekuru Beaton who immortalized me in a letter that I keep reading over and over again. If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading that letter, click this link: https://becomingthemuse.net/2018/02/28/of-moonlit-letters-to-a-muse/
This winding letter does have a point. The point is to ask that you, dear reader, to follow/subscribe to the blog, if you don’t already. The point is to thank you for sticking with me, even in my reluctance. The point is to ask you to vote for me.

How to Vote
I am nominated under the PERSONAL BLOG category. So, click the link below, scroll through and vote for any and all blogs you’ve read. When you get to the Personal Blog category, find Growing Pains and vote.

Vote! Read Me! Vote! Thank you all!
Love Mable….
P.S: You can read the letter I wrote to Beaton here: https://amuron.com/dear-beaton/
P.S 2: If you want to watch the animation that won me that award, click here: https://youtu.be/zvDI3s_xUPM
Great post,your girl loved it
Thank you 💜❤️
Is it weird to say all the best and mean it considering…? LOL
Congratulations and all the best, Mable.♥️✨
We are weird humans Bolaji. We are weird humans.
Congratulations too and all the best! ❤️❤️❤️
All the best Mable
Thank you ❤️❤️
i loved reading this ,lol @masturbatory .all the best.
😂Thank you Mel! ❤️
Congratulations Mable and all the best
…..we will always have the moon ^_^
Thank you B.
Yes, the moon will always be ours. ❤️