I like to take photos just like any girl, but I actually prefer to be behind the camera, not in…
Just ten! Are you kidding! I think I’m going to break the rules on this one and list more than…
Hey beautiful people!!!! I know its been silent here but, its been a busy couple of days on my front…
For those following, you’ll notice that I skipped day 13. I’d like to say its because its unlucky number 13,…
So this started by Joel Nevender was continued on Muwado and part 3 was written by the ever so awesome…
I did everything they told me to I hid my afro Because they said it was ugly I wore what…
My mother will tell you I was a curious child and that I was more fascinated with a picture book…
This challenge has been good for me because I’ve been able to write everyday which is an amazing feat in…
My study of rocks has led me to some pretty interesting places in Uganda. I have been to the hills…