Growing Pains

An Alien To The Status Quo

Dear Future Mable
Forty years from now, I get to be you. And that’s exciting as it is scary. This letter is born out of this fear/excitement.

I hope that as you read this, you are chilling on beach somewhere in the Maldives or you’re contemplating the meaning of life at the top of the Himalayas.
Or maybe because of global warming, where the Himalayas was, is now a beach and the Maldives rise up to be mountains. 
I know there’s no way of you replying this letter. I’m always wishing for a Lake House kind of situation where I can communicate with a future person but unfortunately, in this time, time travel has not yet been cracked.
I have to ask, did we get the guy? You know, that guy that I keep insisting is lost somewhere and is too proud to ask for directions to you/me/us?
I’m about to be a published author, like legit published, in a book and everything. My name is one of the few that made it onto a list with other writers that I admire and look up to. I don’t have to tell you that it’s another level of excitement I’m feeling. Every time I think about it  I want to scream&nbsp….
I have arrived people!
And I hope this is a first step to more books. Am I a successful writer in this future, future Mable?


But as I talk about writing, I hope, and this is important, that printed books are not done away with.
I’ve seen the way things are going. The natural progression is to now phase out books and usher in fancy technology but for the love of tradition and book smells, please ease my anxiety and tell me it’s not done away with. Tell me that I can still enjoy the smell of a book forty years from now.


Though I want to feed my weirdness, I hope books are preserved as timeless gifts and treasures we can give to our children and the next generation. Sustainable development for books as it were….(if such a thing exists)
I hope you are happy. I hope you still see the joy in the simple things, like the rising of a sun, the company of family and friends, the sound of a child’s laughter and of course, a new 📖.


I hope you found the skin you are most comfortable in and I hope you wear that skin with pride.
I hope you’ve found yourself. I still struggle with that some days.
I hope you mastered the art of badassery and that you’re kicking buttons where ever life has thrown you.
I hope you are now rocking sweet dreads like Beaton’s.
I hope you’re still not swayed by society’s dictates but that you’re still weird.
And finally, I hope you still know that God is the most important above all else.
I don’t know when you’ll remember to open this and read but I do hope it’s when you’ve achieved all that you have set yourself out to do.
I know I don’t say this enough, but I’m proud of you.  And I love you. And again I hope that you are living your best life


All the best
Younger Mable
Or is it Past Mable

13 thoughts on “Letter to My Future Self

  1. Exactly what sort of food will write for?…. casually asking, just in case I need a writer for when I have run out of words and need new ones……
    Ask me nicely and i MIGHT lend you my pillow which makes your hair grow to be just like this…. ** insert me and my hair woke up like this emoji**

  2. Dear future Mable. I will have you know that I love love love this post. Or is it loved loved loved? I do hope we are still close friends and that fame and money and life haven’t separated us because truth be told I never want to be separated from someone who can write this beautifully. Ever! Great post, great writer..banange!

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