Growing Pains

An Alien To The Status Quo

First let me celebrate that its Day 20 and there are only 10 days left on this here challenge…woooohoooooooo! I’m putting my hands in the air and there waving them like I just don’t care!
Okay, what makes me happy!?

1. Reading. I am happiest when I’m doing the thing I love to do most which is reading. I’m told I inherited my strange love for reading from my grandfather (mother’s father) and my great uncle (mother’s maternal uncle). Apparently these two men would not be seen without books. My grandfather, would walk around with his novel at all times! I was gifted the entire collection of Terry Pratchett’s discworld series, and I must say that guy is hilarious, may God rest his soul.


2. Gatherings can be tedious sometimes especially when you’re an introvert like me (according to, I’m more introvert than extrovert). But when you have amazing friends they are made all the more awesome. I have been blessed with amazing friends and they make me happy!



3. Singing. Although I get major stage fright. (Seriously major stage fright) I enjoy singing. I’ll be found singing at all times, of course when I’m not reading.
Music, generally makes me so happy.
4. Church. Church is my safe place, my refuge. I grew up in church so yeah it does make me happy to be there. Happy, content and safe.
5. I have been very vocal about my love for ice cream. So dear future husband, if you’re reading this, please know that when I’m mad, Ice Cream will calm me down.
6. I have a very strange family. I was blessed with a mother and father who took me up when both my parents died. They make me happy.


7. Cozying in bed on a cold, rainy, dreary day.


Gwe gamba there are a lot of things that make me happy, I won’t be able to list them all.
For now, let me find a story to jump in on because it’s #UgBlogWeek people.

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