- by Mable Amuron
Alright! Here we are. We made it to the second day. We are doing this. We are going to talk about all the reasons that we made this human take to the paper… er well, internet in this case. We are the voices in Mable’s head. The muses she keeps lamenting about. And today, we are taking over.
Mable has always been so in her head. She internalizes a lot. She’s loud when she’s laughing. Seriously, you can hear her laughter from miles away. It’s in her bio, she’s a smiley human. Her Joy is contagious. Her tears, though, are silent.

When she was younger, when shit around her was hitting the fan, she stuck her head the sand of fictional worlds. She used books to escape the reality around her. Books were her haven, her oasis in the desert that was her life. She grabbed on to them when she was younger and from this her love for he written word grew. Her joy at getting a new book was palpable. She loves the magic of words.
Sidenote: If you want to buy her love, give her books and snacks and she will love you forever. Trust us, we know, we are the voices in her head after all.
She started to journal to vent about the bullying she was facing in her school. She couldn’t confront the bullies but she could write about it and that was a great outlet for her. As for fiction, that started when she got frustrated at the ending of some of the stories she read. She got annoyed because she felt the characters were dealt a poor hand. She started to rewrite the endings. This led to a story she wrote in a picfare 48-page book about a girl called Charity who treks from a tiny village to the big city in search for a better life and to run away from an arranged marriage.
From the journal, she started a blog, encouraged by a friend who now walks the streets of gold. It amuses us that her URL is known more than her blog name. Does she rant? Definitely! She would not agree with that statement but she does actually rant. But does she do that a lot? She named her blog Growing Pains because every stage of growth has a few pains related to it. Life is growth but with growth comes pain.

Ever the reading junkie, the blog has evolved to become a book blog, a place she can rant and rave about the books she reads. Not only that, this tiny space in the vast internet world also has poetry, fiction and life stories. She even bit the dust and wrote a letter to her writer’s crush, the uncle of bloggers, Beaton… Her polyamorous heart lusts after several writers.
We are really proud of our human even though she blames us for her own laziness sometimes. We will keep being proud of her. And we will try to push her out of her comfort zone to complete this challenge. And even though we are one in this blog post, you should know we are always divided. She is the voice of her own reason, we are the crazy.
Until tomorrow….
enjoyed reading this one, the voices in your head have led to a beautiful . side note we shall remember that a book is the best gift for you
Thank you
. Like they said, they are the crazy. 

Reblogged this on On Becoming.
The voices in my head told to tell you that the voices in my head say that unreason wins all the time
PS let me reread that letter for the… Umpteenth time
Unreason wins

flawless victory
You are my fav person ..loved this piece
I love you
i love you too
This is beautiful, it the flow reminds of Danielle Steel’s Mixed Blessings
Thank you Ben
The voices in my head love the voices in your head. I’ve heard your loud laughter and it really spews joy.
This was fun to read.
The voices in my head recognize and love the voices in your head.
The voices in your head pay you respect well

I will remember what to carry when i meet you
Haha interesting..
Bless your heart
But good theme on the growing pains. Means alot coming from what you faced. I’m glad you God comfortable with writing it down.
Thank you Dani
Beautiful piece

…there’s a measure of pain attached to growth, always worth it though. Thanks for sharing
Thank for reading.
You’re welcome
I wish the voices in my head had such impeccable writing too…mine don’t even know English
big fan loved this
Thank you Loretta. The voices in my head are peacocking right now.