Book Title: A Fledgling Abiba Author: Dilman Dila ISBN-13 : 978-1911486527
Book: Tumaini: The Captured Story of a Broken ManAuthor: Jade NovelistGenre: Poetry Anthology, Memoir Book Blurb: Tumaini is a poetry…
Book: Manchester HappenedAuthor: Jennifer Nansubuga MakumbiGenre: General Fiction, Short Story AnthologyISBN: 978-1786-0777-6-9
Book: FOREIGN GODS, INC. AUTHOR: Okey Ndibe ISBN: 9781616953133 PUBLISHED: JANUARY, 2014 Book Description: Foreign Gods, Inc., tells the story of…
Book: Butterfly Dreams and Other Stories Author: Beatrice Lamwaka Genre: General Fiction ISBN: 978-9970-9623-0-3
Author: Rachael A.Z Mutabingwa Genre: Speculative Fiction Book Blurb: Preston Pakello’s life seems to begin only when the death of…
Author: The Hekaya Arts Initiative Book Blurb: Abdi wants to create a new tune and galvanise his dying band, find…
Author: Dilman Dila Publisher: Black Letter Media. Synopsis: A killing in the sun is a collection of speculative fiction from…
Arrows of Rain is the debut novel of Nigerian American author Okey Ndibe.
Have you ever read a book that you know is fiction but it messes with your head so much that…